But I diligently went for my run this morning, which strangely enough calmed the painful throbbing in my head just long enough until the "high" that one gets after doing physical exercise, started to fade away. Great. Headache tablets have not made any improvements on my discomfort, and I am seriously considering swallowing a whole handful in the hopes of numbing my aching brain into submission. Just kidding. Dont start worrying. Im not THAT miserable!
My boss seems to think that Im not happy enough on my birthday, so he bought me a stunning boquet of flowers. Im so impressed. I havent seen him buy flowers for anyone here at the office. I must look absolutely down in the dumps.
D remembered my birthday and sent me an email. I cant help but notice that it is short and to the point.
My mom sent me one of the most emotional emails I have ever received. I actually cried when I read it, although silently, and I had to wipe the tears away before anyone noticed. Apparently she cried as she wrote it. It was just absolutely beautiful. Ive posted it below.
Despite my miserable mood and not feeling up to taking birthday phonecalls and sms', it wasnt so bad. If anything, the fact that all these friends and family have all thought about me at least once today made me feel slightly better and a little more loved.
But oh my gosh, I cannot believe that I am 23 already. "!!!!!!" I see my age on my profile has dutifully ticked over.
Here's to another year gone by!
Mum's email:
Dearest [Leigh*2],
This time, 23 years ago, at 13h30, I met you for the first time. I carried you for 9 months, acting as the wrapping on a very precious gift, protecting you, and getting to know you. During that time we had the closest relationship possible. No two people can be closer than a mother carrying her child…
Then you took centre stage! I feel privileged to have you as my daughter, and am proud standing in the wings, watching your life unfolding. You are beautiful, clever, funny and loving -all in the right measure.
[Leigh], life is a one-time opportunity. Embrace it with enthusiasm, and live it to the full. I want to share every triumph with you, and bear you up when things get you down, but the living of it is entirely up to you.
And so today you start on a new year of your own. Remember you are a precious gift. To me, your father, and everyone else who loves you.
Have a wonderful day!
All my love,
Mommy xxXXxx
*1 = My little indulgence. Too iffy about whether or not to use a picture of myself on my profile, so here I am at work, just because its my birthday!
*2 = Of course Leigh is not my real name, kind of. Its my second name as I prefer not to use my first name on my profile.
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